Liste des fichiers dont le nom commence par lettre F
Nom du fichier | Nom du logiciel | Description |
FolderRedirectionWMIProvider.mof | Windows 10 | Managed Object Format |
FunDisc.mof | Windows 10 | Managed Object Format |
fwcfg.mof | Windows 10 | Managed Object Format |
fsmgmt.msc | Windows 10 | Microsoft Management Console Snap-in |
FPEXT.MSG | Office 2010 | Saved Email Message |
fe35.msi | Windows XP | Microsoft Windows Installer Package |
F12.dll.mui | Windows 8.1 | Myriad User Instrument |
F12Attach.dll.mui | Internet Explorer | F12 Attach Chooser executable |
F12Chooser.exe.mui | Internet Explorer | F12 Attach Chooser executable |
F12Platform.dll.mui | Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
F12Platform2.dll.mui | Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
F12Resources.dll.mui | Windows 8.1 | Myriad User Instrument |
F12Script.dll.mui | Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
F12Script2.dll.mui | Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
F12Tools.dll.mui | Windows 8.1 | Myriad User Instrument |
FaceCredentialProvider.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Face Credential Provider |
FaceRecognitionEngineAdapter.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Face Recognition Engine Adapter |
FaceRecognitionSensorAdapter.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Face Recognition Sensor Adapter |
faultrep.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows User Mode Crash Reporting DLL |
fc.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DOS 5 File Compare Utility |
fde.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Folder Redirection Snapin Extension |
fdeploy.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Folder Redirection Group Policy Extension |
fdPHost.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Provider host service |
fdprint.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Print Provider Dll |
fdrespub.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Resource Publication Service |
feclient.dll.mui | Windows Vista | Myriad User Instrument |
FfuProvider.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Ffu Provider |
fhautoplay.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File History AutoPlay Integration Library |
fhcfg.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Configuration Manager |
fhcleanup.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Disk Cleanup Handler |
fhcpl.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Control Panel |
fhengine.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Engine |
fhmanagew.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Management Tool |
fhsettingsprovider.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Backup & Restore Settings Provider |
fhshl.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Custom Shell Library |
fhsvc.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Service |
fhtask.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Task Handler |
fi-FI_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® -käyttöjärjestelmä | BitLocker To Go -lukija |
fidocredprov.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FIDO Credential Provider |
FileHistory.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History |
filemgmt.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Services and Shared Folders |
FileSync.LocalizedResources.dll.mui | Windows 10 | Myriad User Instrument |
find.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Find String (grep) Utility |
findstr.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Find String (QGREP) Utility |
finger.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TCPIP Finger Command |
fingerprintcredential.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinBio Fingerprint Credential |
Firewall.cpl.mui | Windows Vista | Myriad User Instrument |
FirewallAPI.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall API |
FirewallControlPanel.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall Control Panel |
FirewallControlPanel.exe.mui | Windows Vista | Myriad User Instrument |