
Seznam souborů, které začínají písmenem% letter%

Název souboru Název softwaru Popis
FolderRedirectionWMIProvider.mof Windows 10 Managed Object Format
FunDisc.mof Windows 10 Managed Object Format
fwcfg.mof Windows 10 Managed Object Format
fsmgmt.msc Windows 10 Microsoft Management Console Snap-in
FPEXT.MSG Office 2010 Saved Email Message
fe35.msi Windows XP Microsoft Windows Installer Package
F12.dll.mui Windows 8.1 Myriad User Instrument
F12Attach.dll.mui Internet Explorer F12 Attach Chooser executable
F12Chooser.exe.mui Internet Explorer F12 Attach Chooser executable
F12Platform.dll.mui Internet Explorer F12 Developer Tools
F12Platform2.dll.mui Internet Explorer F12 Developer Tools
F12Resources.dll.mui Windows 8.1 Myriad User Instrument
F12Script.dll.mui Internet Explorer F12 Developer Tools
F12Script2.dll.mui Internet Explorer F12 Developer Tools
F12Tools.dll.mui Windows 8.1 Myriad User Instrument
FaceCredentialProvider.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Face Credential Provider
FaceRecognitionEngineAdapter.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Face Recognition Engine Adapter
FaceRecognitionSensorAdapter.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Face Recognition Sensor Adapter
faultrep.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows User Mode Crash Reporting DLL
fc.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System DOS 5 File Compare Utility
fde.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Folder Redirection Snapin Extension
fdeploy.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Folder Redirection Group Policy Extension
fdPHost.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Function Discovery Provider host service
fdprint.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Function Discovery Print Provider Dll
fdrespub.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Function Discovery Resource Publication Service
feclient.dll.mui Windows Vista Myriad User Instrument
FfuProvider.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System DISM Ffu Provider
fhautoplay.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft® File History AutoPlay Integration Library
fhcfg.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Configuration Manager
fhcleanup.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Disk Cleanup Handler
fhcpl.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Control Panel
fhengine.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Engine
fhmanagew.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Management Tool
fhsettingsprovider.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Backup & Restore Settings Provider
fhshl.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Custom Shell Library
fhsvc.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Service
fhtask.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History Task Handler
fi-FI_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® -käyttöjärjestelmä BitLocker To Go -lukija
fidocredprov.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System FIDO Credential Provider
FileHistory.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System File History
filemgmt.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Services and Shared Folders
FileSync.LocalizedResources.dll.mui Windows 10 Myriad User Instrument
find.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Find String (grep) Utility
findstr.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Find String (QGREP) Utility
finger.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System TCPIP Finger Command
fingerprintcredential.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System WinBio Fingerprint Credential
Firewall.cpl.mui Windows Vista Myriad User Instrument
FirewallAPI.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Firewall API
FirewallControlPanel.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Firewall Control Panel
FirewallControlPanel.exe.mui Windows Vista Myriad User Instrument