
DLL File Extension - List of files

Filename Software name Description
agt0413.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt0414.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt0415.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt0416.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt0419.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt041d.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt041f.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt0804.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt0816.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agt0c0a.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
agtintl.dll Microsoft Agent International DLL Registry Update and Installation Control Microsoft Agent International DLL Registry Update and Installation Control
AgtUI.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
AIRWER.DLL Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
AJRouter.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AllJoyn Router Service DLL
alink.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
alinkui.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
ALPSRES.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System برنامج تشغيل الطابعة ALPS الخاص بنظام التشغيل Windows NT(TM)
alrsvc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Alerter Service DLL
ALRTINTL.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Alert Intl
altspace.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AltSpace
AltTab.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Shell Alt Tab
amdpcom32.dll Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Radeon PCOM Universal Driver Radeon PCOM Universal Driver
amdpcom64.dll Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Radeon PCOM Universal Driver Radeon PCOM Universal Driver
AMMonitoringProvider.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
amsi.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Anti-Malware Scan Interface
amsiproxy.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Anti-Malware Scan Interface proxy
amstream.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System DirectShow Runtime.
amxread.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System API Tracing Manifest Read Library
apcups.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System APC Smart Provider
apds.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft® Help Data Services Module
APHostClient.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Accounts Host Service RPC Client
APHostRes.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Accounts Host Resources
APHostService.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Accounts Host Service
api-ms-win-appmodel-identity-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-internal-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-appmodel-state-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-appmodel-state-l1-1-1.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-base-bootconfig-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-base-util-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-apiquery-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-appcompat-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-appcompat-l1-1-1.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-appinit-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-atoms-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-bem-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-bicltapi-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-bicltapi-l1-1-1.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-core-biplmapi-l1-1-0.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ApiSet Stub DLL