
DLL File Extension - List of files

Filename Software name Description
ACERECR.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access database engineBriefcase Reconciler Resource Library
ACEREP.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access database engine Replication DLL
ACETXT.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access database engine Text ISAM
ACEWDAT.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access database engine Sort Tables DLL
ACEWSS.DLL Microsoft Office System 2007 Microsoft Access database engine SharePoint ISAM
ACEWSTR.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access database engine Sort DLL
ACEXBE.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access database engine xBASE ISAM
AcGenral.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
AcLayers.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
acledit.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Access Control List Editor
aclua.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Compatibility DLL
aclui.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Security Descriptor Editor
acmigration.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Compatibility Upgrade Migration Host
ACPBackgroundManagerPolicy.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ACP Background Manager Policy DLL
acppage.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library
acprgwiz.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Application Compatibility Program Wizard
acproxy.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Autochk Proxy DLL
AcRedir.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
AcRes.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
AcSpecfc.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
ActionCenter.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Security and Maintenance
ActionCenterCPL.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Security and Maintenance Control Panel
ActionMgr.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Cortana Action Manager
ActionQueue.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor
ActionUriProxyStub.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows ActionUri Proxy Stub
ActivationClient.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Activation Client
ActivationManager.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Activation Manager
ActivationUrl.dll ActivationUrl ActivationUrl
ActiveContentWizard.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
activeds.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs Router Layer DLL
ActiveSyncCsp.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ActiveSync CSP DLL
ActiveSyncProvider.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System The engine that syncs ActiveSync accounts
actxprxy.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
AcWinRT.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
ACWIZRC.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access Wizard International DLL
acwow64.dll Windows 7 Dynamic Link Library
AcXtrnal.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
ADAL.DLL Microsoft® ADAL Windows Azure Active Directory Authentication Library
adalrt.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AAD Authorisation Library for WinRT applications
adammigrate.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services migration plugin
AddressParser.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADDRESSPARSER
ADDRPARS.DLL Microsoft Office Outlook Outlook Address Parser
ADDRPRSR.DLL Microsoft Office Outlook Outlook Address Parser
AdeModule.dll Microsoft® Exchange Access Database Engine Text Extraction Module
adfsmig.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADFS Migration Plugin dll
adhapi.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AD harvest sites and subnets API
AdHocReportingExcelClient.dll Office 2016 Dynamic Link Library
adhsvc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service
admexs.dll Internet Information Services IIS AdminEx sample DLL
admin.dll Microsoft Office XP Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions