Filnamn |
Programnamn |
Beskrivning |
AppexNews.lnk |
Windows 8.1
Windows File Shortcut
AppexSports.lnk |
Windows 8.1
Windows File Shortcut
AppexTravel.lnk |
Windows 8.1
Windows File Shortcut
Atlas Contents.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Atlas Find.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Backup and Restore Center.lnk |
Windows 7
Backup.lnk |
Windows XP
Bluetooth File Transfer.LNK |
Windows 10
Calculator.lnk |
Windows XP
Camera.lnk |
Windows 8.1
Windows File Shortcut
Character Map.lnk |
Windows XP
Chronology Contents.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Chronology Find.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Command Prompt.lnk |
Windows XP
Component Services.lnk |
Windows XP
Computer Management.lnk |
Windows XP
computer.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
Control Panel.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Create Recovery Disc.lnk |
Windows 7
Data Sources (ODBC).lnk |
Windows XP
Database Compare 2013.lnk |
Office 2013
Compare versions of an Access database.
Default Programs.lnk |
Windows 8.1
Windows File Shortcut
Desktop.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
dfrgui.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
Dictionary Contents.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Dictionary Find.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Digital Certificate for VBA Projects.lnk |
Office 2010
This program creates a self-signed digital certificate that can be used for personal macros on this machine only.
Disk Cleanup.lnk |
Windows XP
Disk Defragmenter.lnk |
Windows XP
displayswitch.lnk |
Windows 7
Documents.lnk |
Windows Vista
Windows File Shortcut
Downloads.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
Ease of Access.lnk |
Windows 7
Email Sample1.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Email Sample2.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Email Sample3.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Email.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Embedded Lockdown Manager.lnk |
Windows 8.1
Windows File Shortcut
Encyclopedia Contents.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Encyclopedia Find.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Event Viewer.lnk |
Windows XP
Excel 2013.lnk |
Office 2013
Easily discover, visualize, and share insights from your data.
Fax Recipient.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
File Explorer.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
FileManager.lnk |
Windows 8.1
Windows File Shortcut
Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.lnk |
Windows XP
Flicks Training.lnk |
Windows Vista
@%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Ink\FlickLearningWizard.exe,-145
Freecell.lnk |
Windows XP
GameExplorer.lnk |
Windows 7
Getting Results Book.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut