
0 filutvidelse - Liste over filer

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ActiveContentWizard.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
activeds.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs Router Layer DLL
ActiveSyncCsp.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ActiveSync CSP DLL
ActiveSyncProvider.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System The engine that syncs ActiveSync accounts
actxprxy.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
AcWinRT.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
ACWIZRC.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Access Wizard International DLL
acwow64.dll Windows 7 Dynamic Link Library
AcXtrnal.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
ADAL.DLL Microsoft® ADAL Windows Azure Active Directory Authentication Library
adalrt.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AAD Authorisation Library for WinRT applications
adammigrate.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services migration plugin
AddressParser.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADDRESSPARSER
ADDRPARS.DLL Microsoft Office Outlook Outlook Address Parser
ADDRPRSR.DLL Microsoft Office Outlook Outlook Address Parser
AdeModule.dll Microsoft® Exchange Access Database Engine Text Extraction Module
adfsmig.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADFS Migration Plugin dll
adhapi.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AD harvest sites and subnets API
AdHocReportingExcelClient.dll Office 2016 Dynamic Link Library
adhsvc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service
admexs.dll Internet Information Services IIS AdminEx sample DLL
admin.dll Microsoft Office XP Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
admparse.dll Windows® Internet Explorer IEAK Global Policy Template Parser
AdmTmpl.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Administrative Templates Extension
admwprox.dll Internet Information Services IIS Admin Com API Proxy dll
admxprox.dll Internet Information Services IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll
adodb.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET Dynamic Link Library
AdoNetDiag.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
adprovider.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System adprovider DLL
adptif.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System IPX Interface via WinSock
adrclient.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft® Access Denied Remediation Client
adrot.dll Internet Information Services MSWC Advertisement Rotator
adsiis51.dll Internet Information Services ADs IIS Provider DLL
adsldp.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs LDAP Provider DLL
adsldpc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs LDAP Provider C DLL
adsmsext.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs LDAP Provider DLL
adsnds.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs NDS Provider DLL
adsnt.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs Windows NT Provider DLL
adsnw.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL
adtschema.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Security Audit Schema DLL
advapi32.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Advanced Windows 32 Base API
advapi32res.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Advanced Windows 32 Base API
advpack.dll Internet Explorer ADVPACK
adwsmigrate.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
aecache.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AECache Sysprep Plugin
aeevts.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Application Experience Event Resources
aeinv.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Application Experience Program Inventory Component
aelupsvc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Application Experience Service
aepdu.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Program Compatibility Data Updater
aepic.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Application Experience Program Cache