Lijst met bestanden waarvan de naam begint met de letter R
Bestandsnaam | Software naam | Omschrijving |
RetailShareService.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
retirementCalc.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
RichBrowseCollection.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
RmScript.js | Windows 10 | JavaScript |
roamingDisambiguationPage.js | Windows 10 | JavaScript |
RoamingInterface.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
roamingSettings.js | Windows 10 | JavaScript |
RoamingSync.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
RotatingThumbnail.js | Windows 8 | JavaScript |
router.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
RSoP.js | Windows XP | JavaScript |
RSSFeeds.js | Windows 7 | JavaScript |
RSSNewsProvider.js | Windows 8 | JavaScript |
rssSourcePage.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
rulesmessagebarpresenter.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
RatesCategoryFilters.json | Windows 8 | JavaScript Object Notation |
RatesLocations.json | Windows 8 | JavaScript Object Notation |
release-config.json | Windows 10 | JavaScript Object Notation |
retailHub.json | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript Object Notation |
RecordedTV.library-ms | Windows 10 | Windows Library Description |
Recently Changed.lnk | Windows Vista | Windows File Shortcut |
RecentPlaces.lnk | Windows 7 | Windows File Shortcut |
Refer me to more Internet Service Providers.lnk | Windows XP | Helps you choose an Internet Service Provider. |
Reliability and Performance Monitor.lnk | Windows Vista | @%systemroot%\system32\Wdc.dll,-10025 |
Remote Assistance.lnk | Windows XP | @%systemroot%\system32\rcbdyctl.dll,-151 |
Remote Desktop Connection.lnk | Windows XP | Use your computer to connect to a computer that is located elsewhere and run programs or access files. |
Resource Monitor.lnk | Windows 10 | Windows File Shortcut |
Run.lnk | Windows 10 | Windows File Shortcut |
roaming.lock | Windows 10 | Lock |
rac.log | Windows 8.1 | Log |
rac00001.log | Windows 8.1 | Log |
ractmp.log | Windows 8.1 | Log |
regopt.log | Windows XP | Log |
replog.log | Windows XP | Log |
ReportingEvents.log | Office 2010 | Log |
res1.log | Windows XP | Log |
res2.log | Windows XP | Log |
rp.log | Office 2003 | Log |
ruleset_en-GB_TTS.lua | Windows 10 | Lua Source |
ruleset_en-IN_TTS.lua | Windows 10 | Lua Source |
ruleset_en-US_TTS.lua | Windows 10 | Lua Source |
R1033SR.LXA | Office 2003 | Speech Lexicon |
r1033tts.lxa | Windows XP | Speech Lexicon | | Windows 10 | Markdown Documentation |
Recipes.mdz | Office 95 | Microsoft Access Wizard Template |
Resource Scheduling.mdz | Office 2003 | Microsoft Access Wizard Template |
RacWmiProv.mfl | Windows 10 | ModFit LT Analysis Report |
rdpcore.mfl | Windows 10 | ModFit LT Analysis Report |
rdpencom.mfl | Windows 10 | ModFit LT Analysis Report |
rdpinit.mfl | Windows 10 | ModFit LT Analysis Report |