

ファイル名 NlsLexicons0045.dll
システム Windows Vista
ファイルサイズ 1793536
日付 -0001-11-30

To download the file, use the 'Download' button. Remember, your browser may display a message saying that the downloaded file may be dangerous. That is why we put checksums for each version of the file so that you can verify that all files are original and unchanged.

MD5 79659d766a8b3ae09caa04e2b8a408ef
SHA1 8177a02ee1c3bc07076f9efaf77d2a2a7abb078a
SHA256 8a6796b36d9866d3a70279eda8969ee99f949a22d3ae2d6549621c3930976d6c
CRC32 8a6796b36d9866d3a70279eda8969ee99f949a22d3ae2d6549621c3930976d6c
パス C:\Windows\SysWOW64\