
Liste des fichiers dont le nom commence par lettre H

Nom du fichier Nom du logiciel Description
HPZLAwn7.DLL.mui Hewlett-Packard Corporation DeskJet Services Myriad User Instrument
HPZLSLHN.DLL.mui Hewlett-Packard Corporation DeskJet Services Myriad User Instrument
HPZLSWN7.DLL.mui Hewlett-Packard Corporation DeskJet Services Myriad User Instrument
HPZPRLHN.DLL.mui HP Print Preview HP Print Preview
hpzprw71.dll.mui HP Print Preview HP Print Preview
hpzprw72.dll.mui HP Print Preview HP Print Preview
HPZPRwn7.DLL.mui HP Print Preview HP Print Preview
HPZUILHN.DLL.mui HP UI Myriad User Instrument
HPZUIWN7.DLL.mui HP UI Hewlett-Packard Vista Inbox Printer Driver
hr-HR_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows® Ä?itaÄ? BitLocker To Go
html.iec.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft HTML Converter
http.sys.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System HTTP Protocol Stack
httpapi.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System HTTP Protocol Stack API
HttpsDataSource.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Https Data Source Library
htui.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Common halftone Color Adjustment Dialogs
hu-HU_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® operációs rendszer BitLocker To Go olvasó
hwrcomp.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Custom Dictionary Compiler
hwrreg.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Custom Dictionary Registration Tool
Hans-To-Hant.nlt Windows 10 Oracle Locale Builder Text
Hant-To-Hans.nlt Windows 10 Oracle Locale Builder Text
HPZFNLHN.NTF Windows Vista Windows Font
HPZFNWN7.NTF Windows 7 Windows Font
hhctrl.ocx HTML Help Microsoft® HTML Help Control
HTMLMARQ.OCX Microsoft Word Internet OLE Controls HTML OLE Controls
HTMLMM.OCX Microsoft Word Internet OLE Controls HTML Multimedia OLE Controls
HELPCTR.EXE-3862B6F5.pf Office 2003 Private
HELPHOST.EXE-247D2792.pf Office 2003 Private
HELPSVC.EXE-2878DDA2.pf Office 2003 Private
hal.PNF Windows 10 Precompiled INF
halextintclpiodma.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
halextintcuartdma.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hcw72b64.PNF Windows 7 Precompiled INF
hcw85b64.PNF Windows 7 Precompiled INF
hcw85c64.PNF Windows 7 Precompiled INF
hcwpp264.PNF Windows Vista Precompiled INF
hdaudbus.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hdaudio.PNF Windows 10 Precompiled INF
hdaudss.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hidbatt.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hidbth.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hidbthle.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hiddigi.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hidi2c.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hidir.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hidirkbd.PNF Windows 8 Precompiled INF
hidserv.PNF Windows XP Precompiled INF
hpcisss.PNF Windows Vista Precompiled INF
hpdigwia.PNF Windows XP Precompiled INF
hpoa1nd.PNF Windows 7 Precompiled INF