
DLL extension de fichier - Liste des fichiers

Nom du fichier Nom du logiciel Description
AudioDiagnosticSnapIn.dll Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Dynamic Link Library
AudioDiagnosticUtil.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audio Diagnostic Utilities
AudioEndpointBuilder.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
AudioEng.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audio Engine
AUDIOKSE.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audio Ks Endpoint
AUDIOSEARCHLTS.DLL Microsoft OneNote Microsoft OneNote Audio Search East Asian Phonetic Parser
AUDIOSEARCHMAIN.DLL Microsoft OneNote Microsoft OneNote Audio Search
AUDIOSEARCHSAPIFE.DLL Microsoft OneNote Microsoft OneNote Audio Search API Front End
AudioSes.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audio Session
audiosrv.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Audio Service
AudioSrvPolicyManager.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Audio Service Policy Manager
auditcse.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Audit Settings CSE
AuditNativeSnapIn.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audit Policy Group Policy Editor Extension
auditpolcore.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audit Policy Program
AuditPolicyGPInterop.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audit Policy GP Module
AuditPolicyGPManagedStubs.Interop.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
auditpolmsg.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Audit Policy MMC SnapIn Messages
audmigplugin.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
AUInstallAgent.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows All-User Install Agent
AuthBroker.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Web Authentication WinRT API
AuthBrokerUI.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AuthBroker UI
Authentication.dll Authentication Authentication
AuthExt.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Authentication Extensions
authfilt.dll Internet Information Services Sample Filter DLL
authfwcfg.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Configuration Helper
AuthFWGP.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Group Policy Editor Extension
AuthFWSnapin.dll Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Microsoft.WindowsFirewall.SnapIn
AuthFWSnapIn.Resources.dll Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Dynamic Link Library
AuthFWWizFwk.dll Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Wizard Framework
AuthFWWizFwk.Resources.dll Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Dynamic Link Library
AuthHostProxy.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Web Authentication Host Proxy
author.dll Microsoft Office XP Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
authui.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Authentication UI
authz.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Authorization Framework
AUTHZAX.DLL Office 2010 Dynamic Link Library
AUTOCLIP.DLL Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 95 Microsoft PowerPoint program
autodisc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows AutoDiscovery API
AutoHelper.dll Microsoft Office 2013 Microsoft Lync
autoplay.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AutoPlay Control Panel
AUTOSHAP.DLL MS Office Global MediaStore Elements re AutoShap MS Office Global MediaStore Elements re AutoShap
Autosuggest.dll Autosuggest Autosuggest
AutoWorkplace.Resources.dll Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Dynamic Link Library
AutoWorkplaceN.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AutoWorkplace Native Library
autstbim.dll Microsoft OneNote OneNote Automation Stub
AuxiliaryDisplayApi.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Windows SideShow API
AuxiliaryDisplayClassInstaller.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Class installer for Microsoft Windows SideShow-compatible devices
AuxiliaryDisplayCpl.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Windows SideShow Control Panel
AuxiliaryDisplayDriverLib.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Windows SideShow class extension component
AuxiliaryDisplayEnhancedDriver.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Windows SideShow class driver
AuxiliaryDisplayServices.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Windows SideShow services