Filename |
Software name |
Description |
WinCollabDecorHost.exe |
Windows Vista
Windows Executable
windeploy.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Deployment Loader
WindowPicker.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
Windows.Media.BackgroundPlayback.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Media Playback EXE
WindowsActionDialog.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Action Dialog Broker
WindowsCamera.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
WindowsMailGadget.exe |
Windows Vista
Windows Executable
WindowsPhotoGallery.exe |
Windows Vista
Windows Executable
WindowsUpdateElevatedInstaller.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
WinFXDocObj.exe |
Windows® Internet Explorer
WinFX Runtime Components
winhelp.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
winhlp32.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Winhlp32 Stub
winhstb.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Winhlp32 Stub
wininit.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Start-Up Application
winload.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
OS Loader
winlogon.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Logon Application
WinMail.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
WinMgmt.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
WMI Service Control Utility
winmine.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Entertainment Pack Minesweeper Game
winmsd.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
System Information
winresume.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Resume From Hibernate boot application
winrs.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
winrshost.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Host Process for WinRM's Remote Shell plugin
WinSAT.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows System Assessment Tool
Windows 10
Windows Executable
WinStore.App.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
winver.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Version Reporter Applet
Microsoft Office 2010
Microsoft Word
wisptis.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Microsoft Tablet PC Component
Wkconv.exe |
Microsoft Office 2010
Microsoft® Works 6.0 - 9.0 WP RTF Export Converter
wkspbroker.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Runtime Broker
wksprt.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Runtime
wlanext.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Extensibility Framework
wlrmdr.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Windows logon reminder
wmdSync.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
User session Windows Mobile device handler
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
WMI Reverse Performance Adapter Maintenance Utility
WmiApSrv.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
WMI Performance Reverse Adapter
WMIC.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
WMI Commandline Utility
WmiPrvSE.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
WMI Provider Host
wmlaunch.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
wmpconfig.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
WMPDMC.exe |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Cast to Device
wmpenc.exe |
Windows Vista
Windows Executable
wmplayer.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
wmpnetwk.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
wmpnscfg.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
wmprph.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
wmpshare.exe |
Windows 10
Windows Executable
WMPSideShowGadget.exe |
Windows 8
Windows Executable
Wordconv.exe |
Microsoft Office 2010
Word Converter