List of files which names starts with letter S
Filename | Software name | Description |
Shared.TextStyles_8_1_RP-224b0139.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
ShareErrorMessagePage.xaml | Windows 10 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
ShareMainPage.xaml | Windows 10 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
singlepagecontinuoussnapview.xaml | Windows 8 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
singlepagecontinuousview.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
standardstyles.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
stickynote.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
styles.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
summarypane.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
supplementaryresults.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
switchercontrol.xaml | Windows 8.1 | Extensible Application Markup Language |
SchemaActivationEmptyPage.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
ScrubbableMediaControl.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
ScrubBarControl.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchBox.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchBoxStyle.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchButton.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchResultDetails.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchResultDetailsTemplateSelector.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchResultList.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchResultsTemplateSelector.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SearchSection.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SecondaryPalette.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SettingsUI.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SharePage.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
ShowMeCompass.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
ShowMeTilt.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SignInControl.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
Silhouette.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SilhouetteCleverBar.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SilhouettePane.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SilhouetteRibbonHeader.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SilhouetteStyles.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SilhouetteTitleBlock.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SilhouetteToolbarHeader.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
Slider.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SliderStyle.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SlideshowControl.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SpellingCorrectionMenu.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SplitButton.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
StandardStyles.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
StartTimePicker.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
StopOrKeepSyncingPage.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
stopwatchpage.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
StyleDictionary.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
styles.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
summarypage.xbf | Windows 8.1 | XAML Binary |
SyncFailurePage.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
SyncProgressPage.xbf | Windows 10 | XAML Binary |
ssid.xdr | Windows XP | XML-Data Reduced Schema |