
List of files which names starts with letter N

Filename Software name Description
nwdoc.chm Windows XP Compiled HTML Help
NOISE.CHS Windows 8.1 Windows Chinese Noise-Word List
NOISE.CHT Windows 8.1 SNES Cheat
nocontnt.cnt Windows XP Help Contents
ncpa.cpl Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Network Connections Control-Panel Stub
netsetup.cpl Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Network Setup Wizard Control Panel Applet
nusrmgr.cpl Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows User Manager
nwc.cpl Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Client Service for NetWare Applet
NavigationBar.cs Windows 10 C# Source Code
Native3d.TextureRendererPixelShader.cso Windows 10 Compiled Shader Object
Native3d.TextureRendererVertexShader.cso Windows 10 Compiled Shader Object
no_i.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
no_il.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
no_im.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
no_l.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
no_m.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
no_r.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
no_rl.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
no_rm.cur Windows 10 Windows Cursor
Netwfw00.dat Windows 10 Game Data
Netwfw01.dat Windows 10 Game Data
Netwfw02.dat Windows 10 Game Data
Netwfw04.dat Windows 10 Game Data
NOISE.DAT Windows 10 Game Data
ntuser.dat Office 2010 Game Data
noise.deu Windows XP Adobe Reader German language
NORMAL.DIB Office XP Device Independent Bitmap
nac.dll Windows® NetMeeting® Microsoft Internet Audio NAC DLL
NAME.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Name ActiveX Control
NAMECONTROLPROXY.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Proxy Dll for Name ActiveX Control
NAMEEXT.DLL Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 component
NAPCRYPT.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NAP Cryptographic API helper
napdsnap.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NAP GPEdit Extension
NAPHLPR.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NAP client config API helper
NAPINIT.DLL Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
napinit.Resources.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
NapiNSP.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System E-mail Naming Shim Provider
napipsec.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NAP IPSec Enforcement Client
NAPMONTR.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NAP Netsh Helper
NAPSNAP.DLL Windows 8.1 Dynamic Link Library
napsnap.resources.dll Windows 8.1 Dynamic Link Library
Narrator.resources.dll Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Dynamic Link Library
narrhook.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Narrator Keyboard and WinEvent hook
NativeHooks.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Narrator Native hook handler
nativemap.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NativeMap
NativeProxies.dll Paid Wi-Fi & Cellular NativeProxies.dll
NativeShim.dll Office 2013 Dynamic Link Library
NativeShim.Resources.dll Office 2013 Dynamic Link Library
NaturalAuth.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Natural Authentication Service