
List of files which names starts with letter M

Filename Software name Description
MSFT_RoleResourceStrings.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
MSFT_ScriptResourceStrings.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
MSFT_ServiceResource.strings.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
MSFT_UserResource.strings.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
MSFT_WindowsOptionalFeature.strings.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataUtils.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
Microsoft.PowerShell.Operation.Validation.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_ArchiveResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_EnvironmentResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_GroupResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_NetAdapterPowerManagement.Format.Helper.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_NetAdapterQos.Format.Helper.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_NetQosPolicy.Format.Helper.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_PackageResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_ProcessResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_RegistryResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_RoleResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_ScriptResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_ServiceResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_UserResource.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_WaitForAll.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_WaitForAny.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_WaitForSome.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MSFT_WindowsOptionalFeature.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
MFCaptureEngine.ptxml Windows 8 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
MFMediaEngine.ptxml Windows 8 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
MFPlat.ptxml Windows 8 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-DesktopWindowManager-Compositor.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-DirectUI.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-Documents-Events.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-IE-F12-Provider.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-IE-HTMLRendering.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-NCSI.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell-Instrumentation.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-Printing-Dialogs.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-Sensors-Events.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPanel-Events.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-VAN.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
Microsoft-Windows-WLANConnectionFlow.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
MobilePCMobilityCenterInstrumentation.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
msdt.events.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
MSPUB.PUB Office 2010 Microsoft Publisher Document
MainQueueOnline0.que Windows 10 CuteFTP Queue Data
MainQueueOnline1.que Windows 10 CuteFTP Queue Data
M1033David.keyboard.RAD Windows 10 Reality Adlib Tracker Module
M1033Mark.keyboard.RAD Windows 10 Reality Adlib Tracker Module
M1033Zira.keyboard.RAD Windows 10 Reality Adlib Tracker Module
MoveNext_22050hz.raw Windows 10 Raw Image Data