
List of files which names starts with letter M

Filename Software name Description
Motivating A Team.pot Office XP Portable Object
Mountain Top.pot Office 2003 Portable Object
Multiple Bars.pot Office 95 Portable Object
MQ2060.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQ2200.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQ2425.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQ3260.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQ330.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQ4032.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQ4060.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQ6100.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQMC2.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MQMC2P.PPD Windows Vista PostScript Printer Description
MSCOL11.PPD Office 2010 PostScript Printer Description
MSGENBW.PPD Windows 10 PostScript Printer Description
MSGENCOL.PPD Windows 10 PostScript Printer Description
MSXPSINC.PPD Windows 10 PostScript Printer Description
MSxpsPS.ppd Windows 10 PostScript Printer Description
Microsoft.Windows.Cosa.Desktop.Client.ppkg Windows 10 Windows ICD Provisioning Package
MsoIrmProtector.ppt Windows 10 PowerPoint Presentation
Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI.en-US.pri Windows 10 Qt Project Include
Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI.pri Windows 10 Qt Project Include
mp_chs.pro Windows 8.1 Adobe Proto Design
mp_jpn.pro Windows 8.1 Adobe Proto Design
Map_AppExMaps.profile Windows 8 Bash Shell Profile
Microsoft.NETFramework.props Windows 10 Visual Studio Property Sheet
MAIL.PRT Office 95 Pro/ENGINEER Part
MONTH1.PRT Office 2003 Pro/ENGINEER Part
MONTH2.PRT Office 2003 Pro/ENGINEER Part
Match.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Match.Tests.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
MatchExactly.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
MatchExactly.Tests.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
MF_AERODiagnostic.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
MF_AudioDiagnostic.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
MF_PrinterDiagnostic.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
MF_SpeechDiagnostic.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataAdapter.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataUtilsHelper.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataV4Adapter.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Microsoft.PowerShell.Operation.Validation.Tests.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Mock.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Mock.Tests.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
Microsoft.PowerShell.Operation.Validation.Format.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types
MsDtc.Formats.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types
MsDtc.Types.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types
MSFT_3DPrinter.format.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types
MSFT_AutologgerConfig_v1.0.format.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types
MSFT_BackgroundTask.Format.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types
MSFT_DAClientExperienceConfiguration.format.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types