List of files which names starts with letter J
Filename | Software name | Description |
Journal.exe | Windows 8.1 | Windows Executable |
JpnIME.exe | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
jsc.exe | Windows 10 | Windows Executable |
JunosPulseVpn.exe | Juniper Junos Pulse Vpn | JunosPulseVpn |
JPEGIM32.FLT | Microsoft Office 2010 | JPEG Import/Export Graphic Filter |
j8514fix.fon | Windows 10 | Windows Bitmap Font |
j8514oem.fon | Windows 10 | Windows Bitmap Font |
j8514sys.fon | Windows 10 | Windows Bitmap Font |
jsmalle.fon | Windows 10 | Windows Bitmap Font |
jsmallf.fon | Windows 10 | Windows Bitmap Font |
jvgafix.fon | Windows 10 | Windows Bitmap Font |
jvgasys.fon | Windows 10 | Windows Bitmap Font |
journal.h1s | Windows 7 | Microsoft Help Compiled Help Data |
jndomain.htm | Windows XP | Hypertext Markup Language |
jndom_a.htm | Windows XP | Hypertext Markup Language |
JUDGESCH.HTM | Office 2010 | Hypertext Markup Language |
JUNGLE.HTM | Office 2010 | Hypertext Markup Language |
jshost.html | Windows 8.1 | Hypertext Markup Language |
JOURNAL.INF | Office 2010 | Setup Information |
Journal.jnt | Windows 8.1 | Windows Journal |
JobSet.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
jquery.flot.js | Windows 8 | JavaScript |
jquery.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
jqueryuiAll_c.js | Windows 8 | JavaScript |
jquery_1.10.2[1].js | Windows 10 | JavaScript |
jquery_flot_c.js | Windows 8 | JavaScript |
jspanoviewer.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
Jx.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
jxui.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
jxworker.js | Windows 8.1 | JavaScript |
jquery.js1 | Windows 8.1 | Javascript |
jqueryuiAll_c.js1 | Windows 8.1 | Javascript |
JAVA_01.MID | Office 2010 | MIDI Audio |
JNGLE_01.MID | Office 2010 | MIDI Audio |
journal.mof | Windows Vista | Managed Object Format |
ja-JP_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BitLocker To Go リーダー |
JNTFiltr.dll.mui | Windows 8.1 | Myriad User Instrument |
jnwdui.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Journal Note Writer Driver UI DLL |
jnwmon.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Journal Port Monitor DLL |
joinproviderol.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Online Join Provider DLL |
Journal.exe.mui | Windows 8.1 | Myriad User Instrument |
joy.cpl.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Game Controllers Control Panel Applet |
JP350RES.DLL.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | jp350 Printer Driver |
jscript.dll.mui | Microsoft ® JScript | Microsoft ® JScript |
jscript9.dll.mui | Internet Explorer | Microsoft ® JScript |
jsdbgui.dll.mui | Windows 8.1 | Myriad User Instrument |
jsdebuggeride.dll.mui | Windows 7 | Myriad User Instrument |
JSProfilerCore.dll.mui | Windows 7 | Myriad User Instrument |
jsprofilerui.dll.mui | Windows 8.1 | Myriad User Instrument |
jvcmc.sys | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PIONEER DRM-1004X Medium changer driver |