
List of files which names starts with letter I

Filename Software name Description
IMJPCLST.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
IMJPCMLD.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imjpcus.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
IMJPDAPI.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imjpdct.dll Microsoft IME 2002 Microsoft IME 2002. Dictionary Tool.
IMJPDCTP.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
IMJPKDIC.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imjplm.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
IMJPLMP.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imjpmig.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
IMJPPRED.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
IMJPRANKER.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME JPN Ranker Dll
imjpskey.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
IMJPSKF.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
IMJPTIP.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imjputyc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrapi.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrcac.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrhjd.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrmig.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrotip.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrskf.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrtip.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imkrudt.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft IME
imlang.dll Microsoft IME 2002 Microsoft IME
imm32.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL
ImplatSetup.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System NdisImPlatform Network Setup Plugin
IMPMAIL.DLL Microsoft Outlook Outlook Mail Importer
ImSCCfg.DLL Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
ImSCCore.dll Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
IMSCDICB.DLL Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
imscmig.dll Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
IMSCTIP.dll Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
imscui.DLL Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
imsinsnt.dll Internet Information Services Mail and News Setup DLL
imskdic.dll Microsoft IME 2002 Microsoft IME 2002
imskf.dll Microsoft IME 2002 Microsoft IME 2002
IMTCCAC.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System imtccac.dll
IMTCCFG.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ImTcCfg.dll
IMTCCORE.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ImTcCore.dll
IMTCDIC.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System imtcdic.dll
imtcmig.dll Microsoft IME 2012 Microsoft IME 2012
IMTCSKF.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System imtcskf.dll
IMTCTIP.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System ImTCTip.dll
IMTCTRLN.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System IMTCTRLN.dll
imtcui.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System imtcui.dll
Inbox.Shared.dll Microsoft SoundRecorder Inbox.Shared.dll
inetcfg.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Internet Connection Wizard Library
inetcomm.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources
inetcplc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Internet Control Panel