
EXE File Extension - List of files

Filename Software name Description
MbaeParserTask.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mobile Broadband Account Experience Parser Task
mblctr.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Mobility Center
MBR2GPT.EXE Windows 10 Windows Executable
mcbuilder.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Resource cache builder tool
MCDLC.EXE Microsoft Media Gallery Media Catalog Conversion Tool
mctadmin.exe Windows 7 Windows Executable
MDEServer.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Cast to Device Server
MDM.EXE Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET Machine Debug Manager
MDMAgent.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System MDMAgent
MDMAppInstaller.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System MDM App Installer
MdmDiagnosticsTool.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System MdmDiagnosticsTool
MdRes.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Memory Diagnostic
MdSched.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool
mem.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
memtest.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Memory Diagnostic
MessagingApplication.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
mfpmp.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Media Foundation Protected Pipeline EXE
Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AAD token broker plugin
Microsoft.Msn.Weather.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
Microsoft.Photos.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
Microsoft.StickyNotes.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
Microsoft.Uev.CscUnpinTool.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft.Uev.CscUnpinTool EXE
Microsoft.Uev.SyncController.exe Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Windows Executable
Microsoft.Wallet.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
MicrosoftEdge.exe Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge Content Process
MigAutoPlay.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Easy Transfer Autoplay
mighost.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Migration Plugins host program
migisol.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows NT Migration Helper
migload.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Stub loader for Files and Settings Transfer Wizard
migpwd.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Win95-to-WinNT Migration Dll, Win95 Side
MigRegDB.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System COM+
MigSetup.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Easy Transfer
migwiz.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Easy Transfer Application
migwiza.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Files and Settings Transfer Wizard
mip.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
MiracastView.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
misc.exe Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 component
ML3XEC16.EXE Office XP Windows Executable
mmc.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Management Console
mmcperf.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System MMC Performance Tool
mmgaserver.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System MMGA Server
mnmsrvc.exe Windows® NetMeeting® NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
MobileConnectVpnPluginApp.exe SonicWALL Mobile Connect SonicWALL Mobile Connect
mobsync.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Sync Center
mofcomp.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System The Managed Object Format (MOF) Compiler
mountvol.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mount Volume Utility
MOVIEMK.exe Windows Vista Windows Executable
MpCmdRun.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable