
Lista de archivos cuyos nombres comienzan con la letra% letra%

Nombre del archivo Nombre del software Descripción
perfos.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows System Performance Objects DLL
perfproc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows System Process Performance Objects DLL
perftrack.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Performance PerfTrack
perfts.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Remote Desktop Services Performance Objects
perf_nt.dll Microsoft® Windows® Performance Analyzer Performance Analyzer AddIn: NT
permchk.dll Internet Information Services MSWC Permission Checker
PersonalizationCSP.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System PersonalizationCSP
PersonaX.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System PersonaX
PersonPicture.UAP.dll People PersonPicture.UAP.dll
peverify.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
Ph3xIB64MV.dll MacroVision KS Proxy Plugin
Ph6xIB64MV.dll MCE MacroVision Plugin Macrovision Plugin
PhoneCallHistoryApis.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System DLL for PhoneCallHistoryRT
PhoneDataSync.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System PhoneDataSync
PhoneOm.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Phone Object Model
PhonePCVoiceAgents.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Phone and PC Specific Speech UX Voice Agents
PhonePlatformAbstraction.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Phone Platform Abstraction
PhoneProviders.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Phone-specific Component Provider for Windows Telephony Stack.
PhoneService.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System The service used to manage phone calls and other telephony related functionality
PhoneServiceRes.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Resource DLL for the Phone Service
Phoneutil.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Phone utilities
PhoneutilRes.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Resource DLL for Phone utilities
PhotoAcq.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
PhotoBase.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
PhotoClassic.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
PhotoLibraryDatabase.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
PhotoLibraryMain.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
PhotoLibraryResources.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library
PhotoMetadataHandler.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Photo Metadata Handler
Photos.Experimentation.Native.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
PhotosApp.Windows.dll Microsoft Photos PhotosApp
PhotosynthControls.dll Windows 8.1 Dynamic Link Library
PhotoViewer.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
photowiz.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Photo Printing Wizard
PickerPlatform.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System PickerPlatform
PICSTORE.DLL Microsoft Picstore picstore
pid.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft PID
pidgen.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Pid3.0 generation
pidgenx.dll Microsoft® Office Office Pid Generation
pifmgr.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library
PilotshubApp.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
PimIndexMaintenance.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Service responsible for contacts indexing and other user data related tasks
PimIndexMaintenanceClient.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Client dll for Pim Index Maintenance
Pimstore.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System POOM
PinEnrollmentHelper.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System PinEnrollmentHelper
PINTLCSA.dll Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
pintlcsd.dll Microsoft IME 2002 Microsoft IME 2002
PINTLMBX.DLL Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
pipanel.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
Pipeline.dll Windows Vista Dynamic Link Library