Dateiname |
Name der Software |
Beschreibung |
TvSeriesInlineDetails.js |
Windows 8
TwoModeWatchlist.js |
Windows 8.1
TwoWayBinding.js |
Windows 8.1
typetosearch.js |
Windows 8.1
telemetry.ASM-WindowsDefault.json |
Windows 10
JavaScript Object Notation
test.appconfiguration.json |
Windows 8
JavaScript Object Notation
tianqiSuggestions.json |
Windows 8
JavaScript Object Notation
TodayFundPicksDataProvider.json |
Windows 8
JavaScript Object Notation
TodayRatesDataProvider.json |
Windows 8
JavaScript Object Notation
To_Do_List.jtp |
Windows 8.1
Windows Journal Template
Office XP
Adobe Linguistic Library Data
Office XP
Adobe Linguistic Library Data
TabTip.lnk |
Windows 7
@%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Ink\TipTsf.dll,-60
Task Manager.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
Task Scheduler.lnk |
Windows 10
Windows File Shortcut
Telemetry Dashboard for Office 2013.lnk |
Office 2013
Analyze and monitor Office solutions in your organization by using Office Telemetry Dashboard.
Telemetry Log for Office 2013.lnk |
Office 2013
View critical errors, compatibility issues and workaround information for your Office solutions by using Office Telemetry Log.
Thesaurus Contents.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Thesaurus Find.lnk |
Office 95
Windows File Shortcut
Touch Training.lnk |
Windows Vista
@%windir%\help\Tablet PC\TTRes.dll,-350
tabletoc.log |
Windows XP
taskhost.exe.log |
Office 2013
taskhostex.exe.log |
Windows 8.1
TempKey.LOG |
Windows XP
TokenRetrieval.log |
Windows 8.1
tracking.log |
Windows 10
tsoc.log |
Windows XP
TSSysprep.log |
Windows 7
Time and Billing.mdz |
Office 2003
Microsoft Access Wizard Template
tmplprov.mfl |
Windows XP
ModFit LT Analysis Report
trnsprov.mfl |
Windows XP
ModFit LT Analysis Report
tsallow.mfl |
Windows 10
ModFit LT Analysis Report
tscfgwmi.mfl |
Windows 10
ModFit LT Analysis Report
town.mid |
Windows 10
MIDI Audio
tabbtn.mof |
Windows Vista
Managed Object Format
TabSvc.mof |
Windows Vista
Managed Object Format
TaskEng.mof |
Windows Vista
Managed Object Format
tcpip.mof |
Windows 10
Managed Object Format
tmplprov.mof |
Windows XP
Managed Object Format
trnsprov.mof |
Windows XP
Managed Object Format
tsallow.mof |
Windows 10
Managed Object Format
tscfgwmi.mof |
Windows 10
Managed Object Format
tsmf.mof |
Windows 10
Managed Object Format
tspkg.mof |
Windows 10
Managed Object Format
taskschd.msc |
Windows 10
Microsoft Management Console Snap-in
tpm.msc |
Windows 10
Microsoft Management Console Snap-in
Office 95
Microsoft Organization Chart Data
T3016.DLL.mui |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
T3016 Printer Driver
Tabbtn.dll.mui |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Microsoft Tablet PC Buttons Component
tabcal.exe.mui |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Digitizer Calibration Tool