MUI Dateiendung - Liste der Dateien
Dateiname | Name der Software | Beschreibung |
1394ohci.sys.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 1394 OpenHCI Driver |
aaclient.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Anywhere access client |
aadcloudap.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AAD Cloud AP Plugin |
aadtb.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AAD Token Broker Helper Library |
AboveLockAppHost.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AboveLockAppHost |
accessibilitycpl.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ease of access control panel |
AccountAccessor.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sync data model to access accounts |
AccountsRT.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Accounts RT utilities for mail, contacts, calendar |
acctres.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Internet Account Manager Resources |
acledit.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Access Control List Editor |
aclui.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Descriptor Editor |
acpi.sys.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ACPI Driver for NT |
acppage.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library |
acprgwiz.dll.mui | Windows Vista | Myriad User Instrument |
acproxy.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Autochk Proxy DLL |
AcRes.dll.mui | Windows 10 | Myriad User Instrument |
ActionCenter.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security and Maintenance |
ActionCenterCPL.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security and Maintenance Control Panel |
actionqueue.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor |
ActiveContentWizard.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Content Wizard |
activeds.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs Router Layer DLL |
ActiveSyncCsp.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ActiveSync CSP DLL |
ActiveSyncProvider.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | The engine that syncs ActiveSync accounts |
Acw.exe.mui | Windows Vista | Myriad User Instrument |
AdapterTroubleshooter.exe.mui | Windows 7 | Myriad User Instrument |
admparse.dll.mui | Windows 7 | Myriad User Instrument |
AdmTmpl.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Administrative Templates Extension |
adprovider.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | adprovider DLL |
adrclient.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Access Denied Remediation Client |
adsldp.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
adsldpc.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs LDAP Provider C DLL |
adsmsext.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
adsnt.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs Windows NT Provider DLL |
adtschema.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Audit Schema DLL |
advapi32.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
advapi32res.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
advpack.dll.mui | Internet Explorer | ADVPACK |
aeevts.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Experience Event Resources |
aelupsvc.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Experience Service |
aepdu.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Program Compatibility Data Updater |
aero.msstyles.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Aero Visual Style Resource Dll |
aerolite.msstyles.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Aero Visual Style Resource Dll |
afd.sys.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock |
AgentService.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AgentService EXE |
agilevpn.sys.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Agile Vpn Miniport Call Manager |
AGP440.sys.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 440 NT AGP Filter |
AgtUI.dll.mui | Windows Vista | Myriad User Instrument |
aitagent.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Impact Telemetry Agent |
ajrouter.dll.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AllJoyn Router Service DLL |
alg.exe.mui | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Layer Gateway Service |