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HARLOWSI.TTF Office 2010 TrueType Font
HARNGTON.TTF Office 2010 TrueType Font
HATTEN.TTF Office 2010 Haettenschweiler derives from a more condensed typeface, called Schmalfette Grotesk, first shown in the early 1960s in a splendid book called Lettera by Walter Haettenschweiler and Armin Haab. Schmalfette Grotesk was a very condensed, very bold alphabet o
himalaya.ttf Windows 10 The font glyphs compliant with China standard GB18030-2000 with the font name Founder Zang Baiti.
HTOWERT.TTF Office 2010 In 1994 Tobias Frere-Jones completed Hightower for the Journal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. For as long as he had drawn letters, he had wrestled with the problems posed by any modern rendition of the fifteenth century Venetian roman. Dissati
HTOWERTI.TTF Office 2010 In 1994 Tobias Frere-Jones completed Hightower for the Journal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. For as long as he had drawn letters, he had wrestled with the problems posed by any modern rendition of the fifteenth century Venetian roman. Dissati
h323log.txt Windows XP Plain Text
hwcompat32.txt Windows 8.1 Plain Text
hwcompat64.txt Windows 8.1 Plain Text
hwexclude32.txt Windows 8.1 Plain Text
hwexclude64.txt Windows 8.1 Plain Text
hp6000at.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hp6000nt.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hp6500at.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hp6500nt.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hp8000at.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hp8500at.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hp8500gt.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hp8500nt.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpb8500t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpc309at.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpc4500t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpc4600t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpc5300t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpc5500t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpc6300t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpd2600t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpD5400t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpd7500t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpf4400t.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpfpaw73.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
hpzpaw72.vdf Windows 7 Valve Data
Helper.winmd Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Metadata
HNF.Utilities.winmd HNF.Utilities HNF.Utilities
helpsettingsbody.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
HighContrast.xaml Windows 8 Extensible Application Markup Language
HtmlViewer.xaml Windows 10 Extensible Application Markup Language
HeroCommandStrip.xbf Windows 8.1 XAML Binary
HighContrast.xbf Windows 8.1 XAML Binary
homepage.xbf Windows 8.1 XAML Binary
HorizontalMeter.xbf Windows 10 XAML Binary
HyperlinkButton.xbf Windows 8.1 XAML Binary
help.xdr Windows XP XML-Data Reduced Schema
HTML.XLA Office 2003 Excel Add-In
HTML.XLAM Office 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 VBA Add-in
Hardcover.xml Office 2010 Extensible Markup Language
HardwareVendors.xml Windows 8 Extensible Markup Language
HeartbeatConfig.xml Office 2013 Extensible Markup Language
HeroAppTile.xml Windows 10 Extensible Markup Language
HomeBasicNEdition.xml Windows 7 Extensible Markup Language