
List of files which names starts with letter A

Filename Software name Description
about_trap.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_try_catch_finally.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_types.ps1xml.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_type_operators.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_Variables.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_While.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_wildcards.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_Windows_PowerShell_2.0.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_Windows_PowerShell_ISE.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_WMI_Cmdlets.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
about_WS-Management_Cmdlets.help.txt Windows 7 Plain Text
AccessMessageDismissal.txt Office 2013 Plain Text
ACREADME.TXT Office 95 Plain Text
AppCache131375395625918707.txt Windows 10 Plain Text
AppCache131375395650041812.txt Windows 10 Plain Text
AppCache131375396427135015.txt Windows 10 Plain Text
appsconversions.txt Windows 10 Plain Text
appsglobals.txt Windows 10 Plain Text
appssynonyms.txt Windows 10 Plain Text
AutoSuggestFlightHotel.txt Windows 8 Plain Text
adonetdiag.mof.uninstall Windows 10 Microsoft Installer Uninstall
aspnet.mof.uninstall Windows 7 Microsoft Installer Uninstall
activex.vch Windows 10 Master Genealogist Genealogy Chart
ativcaxx.vp Windows 7 Verilog Encrypted Source Code
ativdkxx.vp Windows 7 Verilog Encrypted Source Code
ativokxx.vp Windows 7 Verilog Encrypted Source Code
ativpkxx.vp Windows 7 Verilog Encrypted Source Code
ativvpxx.vp Windows 7 Verilog Encrypted Source Code
AAD.Core.winmd Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Metadata
AppEx.Common.NewsBdiTransformer.winmd AppEx.Common.NewsBdiTransformer AppEx.Common.NewsBdiTransformer
AppEx.Common.RichBrowse.winmd Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows Metadata
AppEx.Common.winmd Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows Metadata
AppEx.Sports.Services.winmd SportsService SportsServices
AppEx.Travel.Services.winmd TravelServices TravelServices
AppEx.WeatherApp.Services.winmd Windows 8.1 AppEx.WeatherApp.Services
AppxClickHandler.winmd Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Metadata
AssignedAccessLockApp.winmd Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Metadata
Avatars.winmd Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Metadata
Agenda Wizard.Wiz Office 2003 Microsoft Wizard
about.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
accountlist.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
accountlistitem.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
AccuracyCircle.xaml Windows 8 Extensible Application Markup Language
Ads.BackgroundStyles_8_1_RP-66431a3a.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
Ads.Extension_8_1_RTM-aa99aadc.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
Ads.Medium_Landscape_8_1_RTM-85bb765b.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
Ads.Medium_Portrait_8_1_RTM-615398bc.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
Ads.MerchantRating_8_1_RP-ea838a30.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
Ads.SerpAdsLayout_8_1_RTM-85f7eb4b.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language
Ads.SerpSmallAdsLayout_8_1_RTM-663dc2a5.xaml Windows 8.1 Extensible Application Markup Language